Now - May 2024
This is my now page - it's what I'd tell my friends if they asked me, "What are you up to right now?"
If you have your own site, you should have one too!
Travelling #
Two back to back trips: first to Philadelphia for the annual Zelus onsite (always feel much more connected to my teammates after these), and then to Banff for a solo hike/disconnect trip. I’m compensating a little bit for how I think the France trip went, where I felt like I was neither getting enough done from a “flexible work” perspective nor having enough fun-exploring-the-city time, so I made a point to schedule a full on disconnection trip and have been hiking in Jasper National Park and Banff National Park this week. I’m not quite fit enough to do more than a ~ 2 hour hike each day, but it’s been great to go out into the woods and clear my mind a bit - I realized that I’ve been on the precipice of burnout again. When not hiking, I’ve been enjoying the Delta Emulator and playing Pokemon Emerald - incredible nostalgia - and also exploring the world of fan-made pokemon romhacks.
I’d like to do a similar trip to the Scottish highlands and to Machu Picchu in Peru eventually, I think.
Working on #
Disconnecting, properly. It’s going pretty okay. When I get back, I’d like to better balance efforts at work with effort at improving my physical health - I continue to struggle with this.