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Now - Mar 2019

·2 mins· from Ottawa

This is my now page - it's what I'd tell my friends if they asked me, "What are you up to right now?"
If you have your own site, you should have one too!

Things I’m Focusing On #

Building out DynastyFF tools/writing. Settling in at new apartment. Refocusing/re-organizing energy at work. Getting back into fitness.

DynastyFF #

I’ve been a bit surprised by the positive reception that my work has been getting - in February I was approached by DLF and FFStatistics for writing positions! I’m signed on with DLF and am working on some analytics projects with them as well as a few articles on league bylaws.

In the meantime, Joe Sydlowski and I have been working on pushing our own projects at forward and have a few apps projects on the go right now! It’s working out that I’ve been releasing one thing a week, so I’m hopeful of continuing to work at that pace through the fantasy offseason.

Moving #

Just finished moving into an apartment, and it’s looking positive! I’ll miss having my lifting gym at home, but I managed to find a good home for it at the rowing club and I’ll still be able to use it there, so hopefully that’ll work out really well. Other than that, I’m suffering from downsizing problems and have a fair bit of stuff to get rid of. Being downtown and walking-distance to work is a nice feeling though!

Health #

February was not a good month for health - travelling and then moving has thrown me into a consistent “eating-out” routine which has directly impacted my weight and pocketbook. I’m looking forward to settling in at the new place and getting my cooking game on!

Job #

It feels like I’ve been very distracted at work recently with everything going on, so I’m making it a priority this month to sort out my mental outlook at work to be more organized and effective.

Things On The Backburner #

Still juggling a lot right now - not sure I have something to specifically put onto the backburner, which is rather worrying. Trying to keep everything afloat is usually a recipe for disaster, so this is something I need to pay attention to.